Another reiteration from today's mass by Fr. Jun Balsamo.
#Discipleship means to meet, stay, and experience Jesus in this life now not later. #Vocation - Single life, Married life or Religious life neither one is more valuable than the other. Regardless of what we choose, we are all called to be Holy. This calling is universal.
Sometimes we ask God, "what do you want me to do Lord?" We get confused with all our options. Most of the time, it gets too confusing that we don't choose anything because we are afraid to choose wrongly, and we #worry what if it's not God's will He might not bless us, or whatever #fears we may have, hiding at the back of our minds. We end up holding on to our fears so much so that our indecision becomes our decision.
Yes, we ask this question, but honestly now, "Are we really ready for His answer?" Because when He does answer we might not like what we hear and given our stubborn nature we still make our own ways instead of letting Him be our guide.
Perhaps, we should just stop and take time to look into ourselves and ask ourselves what it is that we really want to do in our lives. More often than not, we just go through life without reflecting on where we are heading. Then, suddenly we realize years have quickly passed by. We look at our past, what we have accomplished, and what we want to achieve. We all want to be happy. So, "What will really make you happy?"
I heard during last Sunday's mass, that if you listen to your heart you are listening to the Voice of World. Naturally, our heart yearns for #Happiness. But if we listen to the Voice of God, we long what our soul longs for and that is Salvation - #Eternity, to spend the afterlife with God.
I believe God has planted little seeds of desire in our hearts. He placed it there uniquely for our good and our sense of purpose.
At the end of the day, we are given free will. God does not impose anything on us. He just says keep my commandments. Basically, it is up to us to choose whether or not we follow. It is our responsibility to choose, not God's. Also, it is not anyone else's responsibility. So, let us be responsible for our lives.
Perhaps, you may be having these thoughts, my friend, God wants you to know, that He wants you to be happy by following your heart and keeping His commandments. In this way, we can achieve both happiness and salvation at the same time.
Do not be afraid. Whatever you choose, He is with you every step of the way. Guiding you. Keeping you. Protecting you. Just have #FAITH and #TRUST.

God loves you so much more than you'll ever know!

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