Tuesday, August 16, 2016

What is - LOVE ?


What is LOVE?

It's just a word but its meaning is so profound that it makes the word go round. You can't simply describe it in one word or a sentence. I guess nothing we can ever say, can capture the true meaning of love. We can only truly feel it and see it. But we can never say enough to really capture how it really is.

When I hear love, I imagine Jesus. I remember how God loves us so much that he gave His only son to die for our sins to reconcile us with Him. That is the great mystery of love. We can't easily understand it in its different forms or situation it may present itself. But, we can only accept it as it is and not question why.

Of course, there are things, people, or events that are just maybe too deceiving to represent itself much like love. That is why we need to be mindful of our surroundings and discern whether or not those events truly represent what it is or not. It may just be a wolf in a sheep's clothing, pretending, waiting for its next prey. The heart can be deceiving. Yes, it's biblical. So, it is also important to evaluate and re-evaluate, whether or not we are on the right path. We need to be cautious of our thoughts, words and actions. Is it good for our soul? Does it truly give the peace and the love you deserve? Will it make you a better person?

There were many times I questioned, "Why do we need to love?”.  And as I went through life, I met people, I experienced things, and I grew in my understanding. I realize that indeed, we need to love. We need to love because it is the primary purpose for our creation. God did not create us to be successful. He did not create us to just go through life to travel the world and be merry, but he created us for one purpose alone and that is, - To LOVE.

This is a simple equation that will always hold true:
God = Jesus = Love 

And there is no other way around that.

A few years ago, when I was experiencing a desert in my life, I thought I was all set because I have known God, fell in love with Him, and had a personal relationship with Him. I felt complete. I felt home. I felt at peace. But he allowed me to realize that it was not enough, that loving Him is not enough. He wanted me to love Him and to love others. He wanted me to open myself to love and to be loved. He wanted me to experience love. And it was great! It was wonderful! It was amazing! I am blessed that I was able to experience such deep love.

Then, another desert led me to let go of that love. At first, I was in denial. I tried so hard. I tried my best to keep it even if I no longer have peace and I was constantly anxious. I held on to it because was so dear to me. It was my comfort zone, my safe place, and my lovely place. Still, even if I was already hurting and depressed, I held on to it. I argued and wrestled with God. I questioned, "Why God? Why do I have to let go now? Why now, when I have poured so much of my heart and soul?" I did not understand what I was going through. I did not like what I was feeling because it sucks! It was unpleasant. I was hurting. I wept. I struggled. I discerned. I ran to Him even if He just kept silent.

In His perfect time, little by little He allowed me to see, to realize many things. He shared to me His wisdom. For my understanding will never be able to capture the depth of His; for my thoughts are not His, and His thoughts are not mine. I settled with that in mind. I accepted that fact that I can never do enough to understand His wisdom. And I remembered His promise, that He has a plan for me, a plan to prosper not to harm, a beautiful future. I remember that when God gives, He takes away because after all this is not my life but it is His. My life is His. This, now, is just borrowed time. I am reminded that I need to be obedient and accepting. I need to be open to change, to be open to His will and not be obsessed with mine. For so long I have been holding on to that one love, which has brought me joy and despair, even if, my hands were already bleeding in pain. I still kept holding on.

So when I eventually accepted that I needed to listen. I learned to finally, let go and let God. Now, I can't say that I am thrilled and overly happy about that. But, I have faith and trust that it was all God's plan for me to grow in spirit and hold on to His steadfast love more than ever. I am grateful of that love because I have been very blessed to be loved like that. I learned many important lessons that I will forever hold in my heart. And yes, I will continue to love others even if at times I can be hurt, because really, only those whom you love can hurt you so bad. It's a bittersweet love. Good and bad. Joy and despair. I will continue to love because that is my life's purpose. And with that, my God will be pleased.

All glory and honor to God forever and ever. Amen.