I've been seeing all the famous topic about Same Sex Marriage flooding my feeds today. Views and opinions of friends, families and acquaintances. I respect all of their sides. I have many friends who are also part of the LGBT community. Yet, I love them just the same. But this one is over the top, mocking God is hitting below the belt. Then again, I believe this is done by those who are not in their right minds. I believe that even my friends in the LGBT community respect and love God, being the God that He is and therefore, would not do anything like this to mock OUR God. They too have their faith in Him. We are all sinners and we all are struggling in our sins but we are striving to be better to please God in the best way we can and we know how. I believe this mockery is set for us to bash and hate each other. But I urge everyone regardless of religion, sexual preferences, and belief to "Hate the sin not the sinner", to pray for each other, to forgive, and to love more. Simply because GOD is LOVE. We are made for, by and with love. #GodisanAwesomeGod #GODisLOVe#LoveMore #LoveRevolution